Monday, June 1, 2009

Cockapoo in "flight"

We went down to visit family this weekend and on the car ride down, Cockapoo discovered air conditioning!

It was so funny! At first, we couldn't figure out what she was doing, because she would just rub up on Isaac's face and then she would kind of spread her wings. Eventually, though, she was "flying" with the air beneath her wings! haha!

She also discovered the smaller vent blowing at me, but was definitely not impressed and hopped back over to Isaac. Too funny!

Just for a little update.. It's not the best picture, but here's my belly at 27 weeks!


  1. That is too funny! So, is Cuckapoo well behaved in the car? I don't see the leash on her.

  2. YAY!!! LOVE the baby belly! Your belly looks so tiny compared to probaby cause you were so tiny to begin with. :-) Mine feels huge. Doesn't it all seem to be going by so fast!!?!?!

  3. Cockapoo is great in the car.. usually! If she starts to get crazy, then we put her in her little carrier. She usually gets crazy as soon as it gets dark outside (she's terrified of the dark), but this last trip, she was even good when we were driving back at 10:00! She cracks me up, though!

    Brittany, I think we all feel bigger than we really are! I feel huge, too, but then I see friends who are close to the same in their pregnancies and I realize that I'm about right. lol! It does seem to be going by soo fast! I can't believe its down to the last 3 months already!

  4. I like this belly photo. I bet it would look good in black and white. Also, I seriously think the nursery looks super cute. You did a great job!

  5. You look cute! Do you feel uncomfortable yet? I wish we were going to IN sometime soon so I can see you!
