Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fun in the Nursery!

Cockapoo and I had fun playing in the Nursery yesterday! We ended up spending about 3 hours sorting through all the gifts from both baby showers and taking fun little pictures! Cockapoo absolutely adores all the baby stuff! Its cute because she's so curious about everything, including my belly! She LOVES to just sit on my belly and have me pet her!

I couldn't help but have some fun with the belly pictures! I look WAY huge in these! haha!

Cockapoo loves getting her picture taken! She'll look right at the camera!

The aftermath of trying to go through and organize all the shower gifts! This little dude has plenty of clothes! Also, he ended up with 20 blankets! Wow! Do I really need that many?!

I just LOVE this little bath robe!! Even if its not very useful for a baby.. its WAY too cute!! I can't wait to take pictures of the little dude in it!!

Look at all the cute little shoes and booties!! These are just the newborn sizes! I just can't wait to dress up my little dude!

Cockapoo, Queen of the Diaper Cake! I told you she loves all things baby!! She was just chillin on top of the cake while I was putting some stuff away! haha! I can't wait to see how she reacts to the little one!


  1. I got a TON of blankets at baby showers too. My suggestion, keep the tags on and regift! HaHa. Might sound bad, but there was just no way I could use them all and it saved me money on a couple baby shower gifts.

  2. It's a lot of fun getting ready for the baby. I ended up with a ton of blankets too-there are still some that I haven't used yet. lol. that little bath robe is so cute! I see that you have a bassinet. We have one too and we love it! Those are awesome belly pictures!
