Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jared Starts Smiling!!

It is sooo hard to get a picture of this little guy smiling, but here are some blurry images for your enjoyment! He's such a ham, though! Look at him staring right at the camera! haha!

I also have some more miscellaneous pictures since I haven't blogged in a while:

This is my favorite of his sleeping poses!
These are his pooping faces! It cracks me up!

Father and son playing Rock Band! Seriously, Jared can sleep through anything, which makes me extremely happy!


  1. yeah, the poop faces are sooo funny!! It cracks me up everytime Maddie makes the face. hehe. Little Jared is looking so cute !

  2. i love the faces babies make ( milk high, poop face ...) I can't wait to meet him!
