Friday, October 9, 2009

2 month shots..

Watching my little man looking at me in complete shock and pain when he was jabbed with the needle was the worst thing I've ever had to see! He slept all day after that and every time he woke up and saw me he would just cry.. I felt like the worst mommy ever! Of course, when daddy came home, he was all fun and games though! We got some cute pictures of him holding his head up really well!

There are his little bandaids on his legs.. poor little man.. although, he doesn't seem to mind anymore. His legs were hurting him a little earlier today, but I gave him some Tylenol and he seems to be feeling much better.

1 comment:

  1. ouch that's never fun . i cried the 1st few times, over time it gets easier .
    Now we just get ice cream afterwords lol
