Sunday, May 10, 2009

Christa's Baby Shower!!

Yesterday, I went to my best friend's baby shower, Christa Beach Melton! It was so crazy to see her so big since she's always been such a stick!! She is having a little girl and is due July 9th! I can't wait! Its been so nice to have several of my good friends having babies around the same time!

This picture ended up a little blurry, but I think its so awesome that her and her older sister are only 3 weeks apart!! Here are the cute little outfits that Kelly and I picked out for Christa! We had so much fun shopping for a little girl since we both only get to shop for little boy stuff right now!

These are my favorite pictures of us together!! Its funny because when I left that morning, I thought I looked HUGE, but then I was around Christa (32 weeks) and Miranda (35 weeks) and realized that I've got a LONG way to go yet! :)


  1. very cute Sonny. I'm so glad you took these! You look good in that purple! ~Kelly

  2. That's a cute maternity shirt. I had to wear the same 5 shirts but I didn't want to buy anymore anyways but you look cute!
