Monday, February 16, 2009

"Morning Sickness"

I think I've been one of the lucky few in this aspect of pregnancy only for the simple fact that I've thrown up once and that was it. Although, I really don't know that any preggie is ever "lucky" in pregnancy! I don't throw up, but almost everything makes me nauseous! I just thought it would be kind of fun to make a list of all the weird, random things going on with my body now-a-days!

*Weird, Random Preggie Aversions:
Chicken of any sort, except for hot wings!
Pork chops
Bread (just by the loaf though.. I know, weird!)
Water (only when I've been drinking too much of it in one day)
Saltines (I burnt that one out pretty quick!)

*Preggie Food I CAN Eat:
Wendy's Jr.Bacon Cheeseburger and a Salad
Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme and Cheesy Bean & Rice Burrito
FRUIT (dried, fresh, whatever!)
Pickles! (I always laugh when I do eat these though!)
Ice cream, pudding or popsicles
Cheese & Crackers (pepperjack & colbyjack!)
Soup! (as long as there's no chicken!)
Cheeseburgers & Hot Dogs (grilled!)
Scrambled eggs (I guess this one is a little weird since a lot of preggies can't stomach eggs)

I really appreciate Isaac for being so understanding through all of this, because this list is seriously all we've eaten for the past couple months! We have seriously ate out WAY too much and I do feel guilty for that.. but I just don't really want to make a meal that I'm not sure if I can even eat! Plus the meals I can make just aren't enough for Isaac.. Seriously, that boy is not going to be able to live off cheese & crackers and pickles!

I also feel that I should add that I'm actually a little grateful to have the nausea right now just so I know I'm still pregnant! I know in the months to come I'll feel the baby kick or just plain LOOK pregnant, but for now it has definitely been a reassurance to me that everything is okay!

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