Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We went to visit Isaac's brother, Abe, in Deltona, FL last week. He has an absolutely gorgeous home and silly me, I completely forgot to take any pictures! We mostly relaxed the whole week, enjoying the sunny 80 degree weather by the pool! We did a few low key things since amusement parks were out of the picture for me this year.. Last year we went to Disney World with Abe. This year we went to the beach, saw an NBA game and baseball spring training game (both were my first times going!), had a cook out to meet Abe's friends, and Isaac took me to a Marine Science Center where they rehabilitate birds and sea turtles (we thought it would be more aquarium-like.. it was really small.. although, we did show up for feeding time which was pretty cool!) Surprisingly, I DIDN'T get a sunburn!! Yay!!

I was 15 weeks pregnant while in Florida, and I feel like I'm definitely showing now! Its funny, though, because people that don't know me kind of do a double take like, "Is she pregnant or just pudgy?" Isaac is even amazed at my belly now and rubs it every time he sees me. Its so cute! I told him that the baby's hearing is developing this week, so he made up a little lullaby where he replaced some of the lines to "Rock-a-bye baby." It was really funny, but I'm not going to repeat it, because if you know Isaac, then you know that it is possibly offensive to others.. He just likes to say stuff like that in jest because its so outlandish anyway that nobody should believe he's being serious!

Here are some pictures of us in FL!

Here's us on the long drive down.. 16 hours! Cockapoo actually enjoyed driving. I guess the view from a moving vehicle made her feel like she was flying!

The ocean was beautiful, of course, but still a little too chilly for our liking.. It must not have been too bad, since there were lots of other people actually swimming! It always cracks me up seeing pictures like this, though, because I'm so white compared to Isaac! I hope our little baby gets his skin tone!

This is actually my favorite picture of me and Isaac from this trip! His face cracks me up! Plus, I actually look a little bit tan! Yay! We were at Sonny's BBQ, which is one of our favorite places to go when traveling down south!

The giant seashell was outside the Marine Science Center.. We weren't really sure if it was real, but thought it was cool nonetheless! I love that you can kinda see my belly even from a front view right here! I love manatees and was hoping to see a real one, but they only had a fake.. Oh well.. Mother & Baby and a Mother with Baby! Aww!!

These were taken on a nature trail outside the science center. I saw the little cigarette "Butts" can and had to take that opportunity for a nice little picture! haha! It really cracked me up when I realized that it looked like the preggie couldn't make it to a real restroom in the jungle!

Okay, so I had a little trouble getting all these pictures on here to look right with the text.. I hope you can still enjoy them a bit! I will have to try to get a better belly picture for my "progression!"

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