Monday, July 13, 2009

Is that a Basketball?!

Wow! I totally just realized the other day that I only have 7 weeks left! Crazy! I'm now 33 weeks pregnant and cannot imagine getting any bigger, although I know its going to happen! We're almost done with our birthing prep classes and just need to pick up about $250 worth of baby stuff left on our registries! Luckily, the gift cards and money we received from the showers amounts to... $250! Amazing how that worked out, huh?!

I had my doctor appointment last Friday and everything is still going well. I measured 32 cm, which is right on, even though everyone always thinks I look way huge for how far along I am.. Oh well! I've gained a little over 25 lbs at this point in the pregnancy.. I can't wait to lose it! I wouldn't be so upset with gaining so much weight if it were just my belly, but I now have huge arms and legs and even a double chin! It's so reassuring to see all my friends that have had babies and how quickly they lose that baby weight! I will say this, though, I'm not complaining about going up 2 cup sizes!! haha!


  1. haha buying a bigger bra always feels good :)
    I love the belly , you look great!

  2. Just hang in there you're almost there! i can't believe you only gained 20 lbs. i gained more than that. lol nursing helps you lose most of the weight. so nurse a lot!

  3. Haha 2 cup sizes!!! wow! I know how you feel I've gained 22 pounds so far and I'm 34 weeks and 3 days. Have you had any swelling of your feet yet? Oh my goodness mine have started and its CRAZY!!! I can go into labor anytime now because of the seizure meds...but we are still praying for her to stay in there for a few more weeks at least to make sure everything is developed.
    By the way your belly looks so cute!!!!!!
