Jared has done really well having a new baby around. The only time he was ever jealous was when we forgot Evie's pacifier while we were out to eat and we let her use his. He didn't notice it until we were leaving, but you would've thought he was dying the way he reacted! We gave it back to him so that he wouldn't think Evie was taking his stuff away from him. We're slowly breaking him of it again, though. He was so good about not needing it before the move, but as soon as we moved, he wanted it all the time again (plus he was sick, so I guess it wasn't all because of the move). Now he's back to needing it for sleep and still a bit during the day, but mostly only when he's getting sleepy.
Evie is growing so fast! She's eating really well, which has been such a relief to me. I just remember how awful I felt about nursing with Jared. I felt like he just wasn't getting enough, so I started supplementing with formula around 4 months old. I really don't think I'm going to have any issues with Evelyn. Jared wasn't even on the growth charts for the first few months of his life, but Evie is already in the 50% range for both height and weight! At her 1 month visit a couple weeks ago, she weighed 10 lbs 2 oz. I'm sure she's something around 11 lbs by now, the way she's been growing. She's been smiling since she was about 3 weeks old, but I've just recently started trying to catch it on camera. She even smiles at Jared sometimes.
Jared and Evie together are doing great. Jared pats her on the head (don't worry, he's gentle!) and says her name whenever she cries. He even tries to rock her sometimes whenever she's in her car seat. He is such a terrific big brother and I'm so proud of him! I love watching them together. It makes all the hard times so worth it! I know things are getting settled down, since I've actually been able to start trying to organize and clean the house! It's a big house, though, and it doesn't help that Jared just goes behind me and destroys it all again! I will try to take pictures soon, even though it won't really be ready. I'm just facing the fact that I don't think I'll ever be able to have it "picture ready." Oh well!